Suffolk: What to do in Orford (dog friendly).
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After a beautiful lunch at Pinney’s Oysterage, you roll into The Pump St Chocolate shop next door and select some beauties to finish off your meal and then find yourself among the reeds and the peaceful river down at the working quay. You feel a world away from your normal life as you wander round the streets and alleys and take in the village. With a famous bakery, the oysterage, the fish shop at the quay and the general stores you have everything you need in Orford for a stripped back yet foodie rich trip. But add to that, the sense of nature and calm washes over you the more hours you spend here. This is an absolute jewel of a village on the Suffolk Coast AONB and one that I find hard to leave every time I’m there.
nb. some of these photos were commissioned by The Dunns where I stayed as part of the commission.
Take an early morning walk along the river.
The river is beautiful at any time of day but I highly recommend an early morning amble - the earlier the better. It’s a magic thing to see the wildlife doing their thing before the human world rises and infiltrates the landscape. You can head to the quay and go either left or right but my favourite is right and if you go a little further towards the Butley Ferry you might see the seals.
Visit the Pump St Bakery.
This one is not to be missed. Check the bakery website for opening times to avoid disappointment but this is the home of some of the best baked goods in the UK. My personal faves are the Bear Claw and the Cinnamon Bun but be aware that some items are only available at the weekends. The sourdough is out of this world and the hot chocolate ain’t all that shabby either. Don’t miss the chocolate shop across the road too - Pump St chocolate is pretty special.
Get the Butley Ferry.
The Butley Ferry is one of the oldest in England - estimated for the service to start sometime in the 16th century.It’s a man operated boat and cyclists and foot passengers can cross. On the other side you can walk the wetlands and wildlife spot. I haven’t actually done this but I have been lucky enough to have a boat ride with The Pinney’s across the same stretch and it’s food for the soul. Seals can be spotted on the banks of the river and from the other side you”ll be rewarded with calm and seclusion.
Walk Round the Castle Grounds.
There’s a public footpath running through the castle grounds, I found it a lovely place to wander with my hot chocolate, along the fragrant alleys and back out into the undulated grounds. Or should you prefer you can just lounge on the grass and read a book.
Have Lunch at Pinney’s Oysterage.
Pinney’s has kept it’s utter charm through the years despite a rise in tourism in the area. The old fish nets lining the windows and cafe style dining will make you feel at home. The oysters are fresh and served simply and there is no illusion what Pinney’s do well - fish dishes cooked right and fresh. The wine list is inviting with alcohol free options too.
Wander Round the Village.
Do factor this into your itinerary in Orford, it’s a must. Wisteria clad fronts, gorgeous cottages, whimsical doorways and coastal gardens will have you logging into Rightmove in no time. Dedicate half a day, check out the local footpaths and follow your nose. You won’t regret it.
Sit at The Quay.
I highly recommend sitting at the dock of the bay and watching the world go by. Boats come and go and the hustle and bustle is a lovely slice of Orford life. You can get ethical crabbing kits from Pinney’s and some salmon pieces where you can have some fun checking out these little critters. Personally, I prefer not to bucket them and make sure you see them back into the water safely before the gulls get them.
Get Picnicking.
Stock up on goodies at the Pinney’s Shop on the quay and plonk yourself down in the meadow next to the car park or on the river banks. Such a peaceful way to spend a lunchtime.
Buy a Paper from the Honesty Shop.
Don’t miss the honesty newsagents opposite the oysterage - grab yourself a magazine or newspaper and drop your coins 8n the box. It’s lovely to see that places like this still exist.
Venture to Nearby Places.
While Orford has so much to offer, you might be keen to check out the surrounding area too. Rendlesham Forest, Snape to Iken, Woodbridge all offer gorgeous walks and things to do. See my Suffolk must do post here.
When dealing with small budgets, there are some things that can really bring your personality to a home without spending huge amounts of money.