Recipes for the Road - Spiced Cacao Hot Chocolate.

Perching on the step of the van, cupping a warm cup of hot chocolate and looking over the route you just walked might be one of my all time favourite moments to have.

Cacoa has been used in history for many spiritual practices because it works to stimulate the cardiovascular system through caffeine and theobromine that works in a different way to coffee that is more jittery, giving you a heightened sense of being. Cacao is thought to deepen meditation or spiritual experiences - I think this included nature appreciation too.

The quality of the Cacao matters, you can buy ceremonial grade cacao at health stores but failing that good quality Cacao in a pouch will go a little way to provide the same effects.

This is a very simple recipe and one that can be played with - adding a squeeze of an orange or spices. Maybe you want to top with marshmallows or whipped cream. It’s your experience Bab.


1 mug full of oat milk (I use Rerooted)

2 tsp high quality cacao

1 pinch salt

2 tsp coconut sugar

3/4 teaspoon all spice or cinnamon


First measure your oat milk out by pouring cold milk into your favourite cuddlesome mug, filling it to the top (you will lose some due to evaporation in the heating process). Then pour your milk into a pan and add your other ingredients, giving it a stir. Your cacao might sit on the surface for a while until the heat will sink it in. Bring to the boil, stirring regularly, then turn the heat down and continue simmering on until the liquid starts to thicken. Turn off the heat and leave in the pan for a few mins before pouring into your mug and enjoying!


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Suffolk: What to do in Orford (dog friendly).