Lifestyle: A Wild Retreat for Women.

This post is based on a gifted experience.

As I manoeuvred the van through the last bit of a tight lane, I came over the brow of a hill and the landscape opened up to the most incredible expanse of mountains and green that make up the Brecon Beacons, Wales (Bananau Brycheiniog). My nervous system had been raised for months - there’s been a lot going on and I haven’t had a proper break in the year since buying the house. Rather than digesting the stress of getting the mortgage and processing a move across the country I’ve kept myself busy with DIY, caring for my Mum and a couple of meaty photography commissions. So it was time.

And I didn’t take a step back from life by half, I went in for the whole hog and went completely wild and off grid for the weekend. But I wasn't doing it by myself, I was being led by our incredible facilitator and a group of wonderful women.

I’d been following Nic (of Nic Roams) since getting my van in 2020. It’s been an absolute inspiration seeing her grow and settle in a wholehearted life. Retreat Wild is her new offering and I am so honoured to have been part of its infancy - it was an incredible experience and what has been created is a retreat based on survival skills but is incredibly nurturing and grounding.

Day 1.

On arrival at Retreat Wild, we did intros and then headed down into the woods to what would be our base for the weekend. We walked alongside a rushing river with the mountains looming over us - so magical. As we got to our spot in the woods I immediately felt held and safe having been a bit nervous about sleeping under a tarp and meeting a new group of people. The kettle was whistling over the fire and the group was welcoming.

Our first bit of learning for the weekend was finding out how to build a secure shelter to sleep under. Nic expertly guided us through some knots (I will admit to having be shown a lot more than the others!) and then we got to work building our own shelter for the evening. Along with a fellow wild woman, I chose a spot by the river knowing waking up next to it would be an incredible experience.

Once we had our spot sorted we headed back to our main base to learn how to whittle wood into a multipurpose tool - a tent peg and a hanging bracket. We also learned about the types of wood and the affordable tools that are best for survival use, including laws around them.

It was time for the fires to be lit and Nic taught us all about how our ancestors lit fires without the modern day tools we have today. Getting a whole fire going from a mushroom was a ‘so cool!’ moment. With the fire lit, some delicious, mostly organic food was cooked up and we all sat around eating and chatting.

As darkness rolled in I headed to the tarp to get comfy (and warm) for the night. I was worried about how cold I’d feel - after a life of suffering with hot flushes I’ve got to menopause and found I’ve gone the opposite and been struggling with keeping warm. But my sleeping bag was so cosy and it was absolutely fine. I was glad I packed earplugs - I popped one in so I could still hear the rush of water but it wasn't loud enough to keep me awake/make me want endless pees!

day 2.

I’d be fibbing if I told you I slept well. I was worried about Monty being warm and woke early, as soon as the darkness lifted. But no matter, because the first thing I did was wash my face in the cool water of the river which was a touch. We gathered around the fire to sleepily exchange notes on how we slept and fill ourselves with porridge, ready for the day ahead.

We set off on a foraging walk, learning about the different types of foods you can find in the wild and how they can nurture and/or nourish you. Nic is full of knowledge and I found this part of the retreat really fascinating. We then began our hike up to Llyn y Fan Fach - an expansive lake in the Black Mountain range. We were a group of different capabilities and there was no judgements about fitness levels - just a group of women all looking out for one another and chatting away while climbing a bloody big hill (satisfying!). The scenery was stunning and the swim in the lake was a touch - this is where the group found out I am actually a mermaid and come alive when in water.

Returning to camp with that amazing post hike/cold water feeling, we got making campfire bread to cook and eat with our final fire cooked meal and got to grips with our final activity - making cordage rope from nettles. Yes, nettles! How amazing is that?! I was definitely a bit heavier handed than the rest (spot the DIYer) separating the nettle fibres from the pith but I managed to make some cord nonetheless which was fashioned into a bracelet! Then it was time to pack up and move onwards with my Wales adventure for the week.


I left Retreat Wild a whole lot more relaxed and full of wonder. In all honestly, it was a real turning point for me as my nervous system calmed and slowed and I reconnected with nature in the most wild way. Retreat Wild is like nothing else I’ve been on because it offers something unique and while a lot of retreats offer looking inward this retreat is just about being and returning to the basics of life. And it’s exactly what I needed. To humbly realise our place in life and when it all boils down to it, there is unison between us and the world around us.

I would absolutely go to Retreat Wild again and I wholeheartedly recommend it. You can find more details here and learn more about what else Nic offers here.


Interiors: the Chimney Rebuild and Woodburner Installation.


Conscious Lifestyle: My Favourite Green Kitchen Cleaning Products.