Lifestyle: I test an Earthing Sheet.
this post is based on a gifted product and contains an affiliate link
Wondering what an earthing sheet is, how it works and if indeed it does work?! This is the post for you. Below I go into a simple explanation of how they work, if they’re effective and my own personal experience with one. Read on!
Curled in a chair, the light long disappeared and my face lit by the glow of the laptop, I carried on down my rabbit hole of looking for a natural mattress that was sustainable and comfortable. On my hunt, something popped up that caught my eye - the Rowland Earthing sheet.
I clicked on the link and my eyes snapped to the streamline: “Harness the Earths energy while you sleep”. YES! Said my brain, I need some of this in my life. It’s not like you can get enough of nature. But the (newly) careful spender in me wondered if it was something I really needed.
As I browsed the mostly glowing reviews I was more and more convinced I’d be needing one of these sheets in my life - most reported better nights sleep and reduced pain with some even saying their chronic pain had cleared up since using one.
2023 update: I’d started to heal from a prolapsed disc before I started using this sheet and one of my main pain sources was sciatica. The sciatica cleared up quickly when I started using this sheet but I had thought it was just down to the process of healing. However, over Christmas I stayed away from home for two weeks and the sciatica came back only for it to clear up again when I went home. Three weeks ago I removed the earthing sheet from my bed wondering what would would happen and I can report that two weeks later my sciatica came back with a vengeance. Some would say a coincidence, I say the sheet is going back on my bed and not coming off!
What is grounding and what are the benefits?
The earth’s surface is covered by a blanket of electrons - these electrons are incredibly healing and can act as anti inflammatories and antioxidants within our bodies. Every time we come into contact with the earths ‘ground’ we are able to absorb these electrons through a process called grounding or earthing. This is why you see people saying that walking bare food through nature is good for us - it’s because we’re coming into contact with these negatively charged electrons that help us to neutralise and prevent a build up of positive free electrons.
As we have evolved we are spending less time with our hands in the dirt growing vegetables and harvesting food - this would have been our main exposure to these negative electrons. As we have become less and less exposed to nature in favour of high rise office blocks, commuting in cars and trains and also more exposed to man made pollutants such as wifi, mobile phones, pollution and much more we are more disconnected from the earths healing powers as we have ever been.
There is a really fascinating film on grounding here or if you don’t have a Vimeo account scroll down on the homepage.
So what is an Earthing Sheet?
The earthing sheet is a cotton sheet that lies over your bed and is plugged into a normal wall socket - the plug from the sheet only connects to your earthing pin so no electricity is involved. The silver thread woven through the sheet then conducts the grounding electrons through the sheet and delivers it to you.
The idea is that you’re in contact with the earths grounding energy throughout the night, increasing your sleep and reducing inflammation.
Rowland do two sheets - the original and the organic. Pictured is the organic sheet that is made from organic material and has less impact on the earth in it’s manufacturing process.
Do Earthing sheets work?
My friend bought one at the same time as I received mine and he used a volt meter to see what happened when he lay on the sheet fully clothed as opposed to lying down on the same bed with the sheet unplugged. The results showed a huge difference in the voltage.
We have both found we are sleeping so much better and my friend reported increased energy and noticeably less pain on waking. As for me, I had a bit of a healing crisis! I slept really well but found it really hard to get out bed in the mornings and my resting heart rate went up. I felt so sleepy and a bit hungover for about a week (I don’t drink) and when I looked it up I found it’s because your body does detox while doing large amounts of grounding. But after the initial few weeks I started to notice I was getting out of bed with less pain and sleeping through the night despite the recent heat. My Fitbit has been reporting my quality of sleep has gone up quite significantly since using the sheet, I was clocking in a sleep score of around 75 each night before using the sheet and now I’m clocking in around 85, even on nights I get less sleep because I fannied around before going to bed, which is a huge difference. I think Monty has cottoned on to as recently he’s been insisting on coming to bed with me - in the past he would come up on the odd night and slope off after a few hours for his own space on the sofa but he’s been staying until morning. Must nip that in the bud!
I’ve definitely felt so much more rested and am getting out of bed with less aches in my legs (a fall out from my prolapsed disc) since using this sheet. There’s also something really lovely about knowing it’s on the bed, it’s a cool, crisp sheet and it feels really nice to get in to bed on. You can wash it along with your other bedding and it is easy to care for and use. Would I buy one if I hadn’t been gifted? Definitely. At the moment they have a big discount on the organic sheet so be quick, you can find both products here. one is fitted to a double bed and covers almost 2/3rds of it.
2025 update.
I’m still using my sheet. When I moved house in 2023 it stayed packed away in a bag with some old bedding and I was struggling with shoulder pain. When I put this back on my bed some 6 months ago along with a new pillow the pain cleared up and I started sleeping better and waking up in the morning without the aches and pains I was experiencing without it. I had some things come up on social media about the silver in these sheets deoxidising so ordered a volt meter to test the sheet again and it’s still working just fine.
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