Lifestyle: 4 easy to care for plants to help with wellbeing.
Plants can bring a home to life and help with wellbeing too. Here are 4 plants that are easy to care for and have health benefits in abundance.

Interiors: The Dining Room Transformation.
When I started this project back in January I never imagined the last bit of paint would go up 6 months later. But so it was. And I’m incredibly proud of this room and the skills I larnedalong the way!

Interiors: How to Fix a Wall and Prep a Wall for Painting.
Prepping walls for painting is an essential part of decorating - but how should you go about it and how do you treat bare plaster? I delve into it!

Interiors: How to Decorate More Sustainably.
I talk sustainable decorating - the best eco friendly paint brands and how to look after your kit.

Interiors: Changing the Colour of an IKEA Stocksund with Dylon dye.
Possibly my most mentioned instagram story makeover! I dyed my Ikea Stocksund sofa with Dylon dye and here’s what happened.

Interiors: Coat Paint Review
I treated myself to some luxury, eco friendly paint - here’s my Coat Paints review.