Recipe - Eggless Peanut Butter Pancakes

My go to cherry smoothie has seen me feeling utterly virtuous at breakfast time the past few weeks but I was craving something a bit more substantial and indulgent - these home HIIT workouts need fuelling somehow!

Being as the nation seems to be having a shortage of eggs I had to get inventive (edit - I can confirm HISBE currently has a good stock of organic eggs in). The extra baking powder give these pancakes lightness.

The peanut butter was a last minute inspired moment and it does make these pancakes beautifully creamy and pillowy. But if you’re not a fan just omit the peanut butter and decrease the amount of milk to 1/2 cup.

I could have done with a bit of yoghurt to make these images pop a bit more but there also seems to be a shortage of dairy free yoghurt too!


Ingredients - make 3 medium pancakes

  • 1/2 cup gluten free flour - I like Dove’s (you can use normal flour too)

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tsp coconut sugar/unrefined sugar

  • pinch salt

  • 1/2 tsp of cinnamon

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 tbsp coconut or vegetable oil

  • 3/4 cup oat milk

  • 2 tsp smooth peanut butter

  • Coconut or vegetable oil for frying


Mix the flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and cinnamon in a bowl or jug and then add the rest of the ingredients bar the oil for frying. Whisk with a fork until smooth and battery - it should have a fairly thick consistency but still run off a spoon. Add more oat milk if needed.

Heat oil up in a frying pan on a high heat and spoon batter into the centre. Turn down the heat until the batter is starting to set on the top side then carefully turn over and cook other side for about a minute. Out cooked pancake aside and repeat - this mix will make 3 pancakes.

Top with some fried bananas and some compote - I made one just by simmering frozen blackberries and apples with 2 tsp coconut sugar for about 30 mins.


Sussex Walks - Chiltington Circular


Recipe - Wild Garlic Pesto