Sussex Walks - Chiltington Circular

It’s been a while since I updated the blog with walks, it’s not that I’ve not being exploring or enjoying our beautiful countryside but more that I have been so consumed with life it sort of just got out on the wayside.

Since this virus has started taking hold here in the UK we’re all learning a lot of lessons. For me, my initial reaction was to jump into action and fill my days with the million ideas I had running through my head. And there was so much noise, so much to keep on top of… lots of activity. I decided to just take a beat and use the last week to zone into what it was that made me happy and that has been an eye-opener for me. And so here I am sharing some walks.

People who have followed this blog since the beginning will know that through a period of poor mental health and with a new puppy on my hands I explored some of the quietest areas of Sussex and it seems now is a great time to share those places with you. More obvious countryside spots around Brighton were heaving with cars and people today so I hope to inspire you to find some more remote spots where you’re less likely to come into contact with other humans.

This walk is one I used to do a lot when I was feeling particularly insular as it is mostly unknown and it’s rare to pass others - but it’s also ideal for chats with mates. It’s got a bit everything - scenery of the downs, woodland, a bit of water, wildlife, foraging opportunities, some rolling land and best of all, some serene peace.


Walk stats

Starting point: Chiltington Ln, Lewes BN7 3QT

Duration: around 2 hours, taking into account stopping to look at flora and fauna

Terrain: pretty muddy and bumpy in parts but otherwise fairly dry and flat and not many hills

Parking: You can park on the verge near the postbox (driving only)

Let’s walk

Starting at the footpath sign by the postbox you’re going to head up the track and over the trainline. You’ll see from here there are a network of footpaths but you’re going to keep walking straight on.


Keep on the track with the house to your right and shortly after you’ll have a fenced orchard on your left. Still keep going until the space opens up into a large field with some magnificent trees - it’s quite the magical moment. The path is pretty obvious here so keep going through a mini zig zag and until the track makes it’s way straight on through woodland - there’s a sort of funny little treehouse on your left - all of the tracks coming off the central one are private so don’t be tempted to deviate.


You’ll come to a lake to your right and shortly after the track opens up - a track goes left to a house, ignore that and make your way right across the grass. The lake continues to be on your right until you can turn right which you can do and then immediately on your left is the path you’re looking for - look out here for a small gate (you’ll know it’s the one because tis the only one that doesn’t say private property on it) that has through a small amount of woodland and then into a field. Make your way across the field toward a gate that takes you into another field and up towards a house. You’ll have beautiful views of the downs from here - what you’re seeing here is Black Cap but from the bottom.


Once you’re through the gate at the front of the farm turn right down a track until you come to another gate to the lefthand side of the track just after the workshops.

Carry on walking up to a cluster of houses, ignoring the footpath signs left and right until a small track takes you to the houses. When you come out of the track take an immediate right towards a residential house with a pond and garage to your right. It will feel like you’re going into their garden but there’s a footpath sign to the right of the house which you’re going to follow over the middle of the field (unless ploughed in which case take the outside verge of the field down to the bottom right corner where a path will take you through a little wooded area. You’ll come out and see the house that was on the right when you first started the walk, head towards it and then turn left along the track back to your starting point.


Off to try the walk? Share images on your stories and tag me in at @tidebloguk 👌🏼


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