Recipe - Wild Garlic Pesto

As I sit here on this sunny morning by my window in March 2020 it feels so removed to the crisis going on in the world with the pandemic. With 6Music playing and Monty snoozing in the sun there is a sense of safety and calm but we are in some of the most unprecedented and unknown times of our life.

I’ve been here before, albeit under very circumstances. The car accident I had pulled my life out from under my feet in one fell swoop. Not being able to work and being housebound taught me a lot of valuable lessons and the biggest is to practice gratitude for what you do have - while we’re in a really shitty situation we can find moments that will get us through this time. For me, cooking and working with food has always been the thing that keeps me focused and finding moments within my home with pockets of light brings me so much comfort. And so I’m finding solace in that at the moment and I’ve set up a little home studio where I can shoot a bit of food to hopefully help you find some joy in cooking too.

Having done a massive walk in Chiltington at the weekend I stopped off at my faithful Wild Garlic spot and grabbed a glut. See this post for where to find it, it might take a bit of searching but the more bang for your buck in your daily exercise the better!

This pesto can be used in so many ways - stir into pasta, add into sandwiches or toasties, top roast lamb with it, spread on to squash or aubergine and roast… it has endless uses. So having a big old Kilner jar of it in the fridge is a treat.

You can make this pesto with rocket if you don’t have wild garlic - just swap out wild garlic and use the same amounts.

Wild Garlic pesto recipe foraged from Sussex


3 big handfuls of wild garlic, thoroughly washed

1 big handful of curly parsley

1/2 cup toasted pine nuts

1/4 cup toasted walnuts

1 cup grated parmesan

2 large glugs of olive oil

Juice of 1/2 lemon

Pinch salt


Simply place all of the above into a food processor and whizz on the highest setting for about 2 mins. So easy! This will keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks.


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Travel - a camping break in The Purbecks, Dorset