The Peak District: Froggatt Bridge (River Derwent).

dog friendly | parking | not accessible

Standing up on the vista of Curbar Edge you feel like you’re on top of the world. Looking over the valley suddenly everything seems limitless as you breathe in the fresh air and wonder what it is all about.

These moments are priceless, the ones where you get to stand and look over the world and put it all in perspective. But I often look with curiously at the elements of the vista and both times I’d been to Curbar Edge I had wondered about the valley before me and the river than ran through it - how would it feel to be there instead of here? Bane of my life this question tbh.

On my return to the Peak District in early Spring I wanted to reward Monty from the long drive with a dip and having earmarked Curbar Edge as a place we were going to hang out that evening I wondered what would happen if I did explore that valley. So it was on a golden evening we found ourselves walking a loop from where the van was parked, along the side of the River Derwent (he was delighted) and to the weir in Curbar.

This is such an easy walk and one I don’t need to map out for you, simply park at the bridge (doing so considerably - I always use the measure of whether a tractor could get by), take the sandy path towards Curbar and when you get there cross the bridge and head back - 40 minutes at most unless you cross the road at the bridge and choose to go a little further.

When I was here in March the wild garlic was rife and the daffs were a beautiful pop of colour at dusk for the return to the van (that was gearing up for a clutch failure but that’s a story for another day!).


Recipes for the Road: Park Up Pickled Vegetables.


Recipes for the Road: Rice Box with Ribboned Veg and Sesame and Cashew Brittle.