Pomegranate Tabbouli

Happy Saturday folks. I have a Saturday off and I fully intend to make the most of it! I'm likely to go to the local farmers market and then see friends. What have you got planned? Something nice I hope!

So for my my recipe du jour.

When I first started my photography business, I almost branded it. The brand was going to Pomegranate photography - I'm glad I didn't go with it, not least because I only learned to spell the word properly this year. But I'm telling you this because pomegranates have always been a favourite of mine. Those juicy little seeds are powerhouses of nutrition and they really brighten up salads.


I love tabouli but unfortunately tomatoes trigger inflammation in a joint problem I have so I was keen to find an alternative. Then browsing at the green grocers I was struck with inspiration while holding parsley in one hand and pomegranates in the other. A quick internet search told me I wasn't so original though!



1 cup of bulgur wheat
2 cups boiling water
Seeds from 1 pomegranate
1 bunch fresh flat parsley (chopped)
1 bunch fresh mint (chopped)
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Generous glug of Olive Oil


Pop the bulgur wheat in a saucepan and cover with the boiling water. Cover, simmer for a few mins then turn off and allow the bulghar to absorb all the water and allow to cool.

Put the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and mix in the cooled cooked bulghar. Serve with flatbreads, houmous or fresh fish.


Peppery Mackerel Salad


Kale & pomegranate salad