Kale & pomegranate salad

And so we hurtle into Autumn, I don't know if it's the same for you but it seems one minute we were in summer and the next we were all lighting the fires and dusting off the slow cookers. I LOVE autumn. It is without a doubt my favourite season. The colours, the smells, the feeling of beginning to wind down after another busy year. This year autumn is particularly exciting for me as after many years of mulling it over I'm finally taking the plunge and moving into the countryside.

It happened very organically - I honestly feel like this house was meant to be, from the minute my heart jumped when seeing the picture to speaking to my lovely new landlord. It's everything I've pictured in where I want to live. And I'll have a garden! Not just a garden, a 70ft garden that backs onto a nature reserve where blackberries grow wild and bluebells flourish. The opportunities moving to this house will open up will be endless.

So, as much as I love this season I'm already looking forward to Spring - I have plans for the garden and can't wait to get familiar with all the local farm shops.

This week I've been tapping into that and as moving is busy busy I've been relying on super easy recipes that keep me excited about the new garden.


Kale is so simple to grow and it's full of nutrients - magnesium in abundance (magnesium is a nutrient that can help us in so many ways but it's main function is a relaxant - a relaxant for our mind, our muscles and our nerves) and also high in fibre and iron. It will definitely be first on my growing list.

This Kale recipe also features pomegranate (which is a superfood) and walnuts - walnuts look a bit like brains which is ironic being as they are excellent brain food. The feta crumbles in to make this salad full of gorgeous textures and flavours that will make your heart sing.


I always toast my walnuts slightly in a pan as I think this brings out the beautiful flavours.

It's so simple to make and makes you feel oh-so-riteous. It's also very filling and wheat free so super tummy friendly.

Serves 3 - will keep in fridge for one day

For the salad:

Bag of fresh curly kale. washed, stalks removed and chopped well

Fruit of one pomegranate

Good handful of good quality walnut pieces

100g cooked wild rice

200g of feta cheese

For the dressing:

1tsp local honey

1tsp tamari sauce

1tsp apple cider vinegar

Glug of olive oil

Juice of 1/2 lemon

Combine the salad ingredients in a large salad bowl and mix the dressing before pouring over the salad and toss gently with your fingers. That's it! Eat and enjoy.


Pomegranate Tabbouli


24 hours in the New Forest