Forest Hiking in Dartmoor - Houndtor Woods in the Bovey Valley

On the day of the autumn equinox where we see the transition from abundance to harvest, I wanted to take some time in some peaceful and tranquil woodland to reflect and allow myself some space. After a non day on the campsite I headed for an afternoon walk at one of the nearest woods along the Bovey Valley that I could see. On a whim I instructed Monty into the car and made my way to a start point. Driving towards Becky Falls, a huge vista opened out that took my breath away. I pulled the car over to witness a curious foal persistently standing in the way of a crew trying to make a video and the other side of me the vista that made me stop - as I took it in I wondered what it would be like to hike thought a dense forest like that with a dismissive feeling of ‘maybe I’ll do something like that one day’ - unbeknown to me that in 90 minutes I’d be red faced and hiking up that steep old forest.


There’s something incredibly meditative about picking your way along a rough and rocky path, I don’t knit but imagine knitting would have a similar effect with your brain concentrating on extremities of your body moving in certain ways. This hike is one that does require a fair bit of concentration - there are undulating areas with very narrow bits and rocky bases. But you are rewarded with an incredibly tranquil, peaceful and mainly solitary walk.

You’ll need sturdy, well gripped footwear for this walk. Allow around 2.5 hours in dry weather but more in wet. There’s also no phone reception so make sure someone knows where you’re going if alone.

The Route

Parking up in a place called Water on Old Manaton Road (an ancient lane) under the old decrepit tree make your way past the Water sign and take the path that goes past the thatched houses. When you come to the crossroads take the path right marked ‘Bovey Valley’. This is a fairly steep, rocky path that needs a bit of care. As the path descends you feel the woodland energy come into play and soon enough you’ll hear the rushing of the Bovey River as it makes it’s path underneath the The Old Clam Bridge.


Before the bridge turn right and you’re going to follow this path all the way along the River Bovey for around half an hour. The path varies from a solid wide path to a very narrow, hard to navigate track. It will eventually take a sharp right and you’ll cross a wooden bridge.


After crossing the bridge turn right again and enjoy a bit of a sturdier path. You’ll then come to a stone bridge and you’ll get the first glimpse of the forest. Cross the bridge and take a left - brace yourself as this is going to get hard work, but for each bit of this incredible forest you climb you are rewarded with views and a huge sense of achievement.


When you get to what seems the end of your climb with a notice infront of you take a 2 o clock along the path that takes you further uphill. Muster up the energy for the final push along this ancient track where you’ll soon find yourself at some farm buildings. Head down the lane (this is Old Manaton Road) and find your car and don’t forget to stop at the vista on the way back to congratulate yourself for an epic hike.



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