Sussex Walks - Sheepcote Valley

We are lucky in this city to have access to a number of incredible walks by foot. This is walk I’ve been doing with Monty regularly sine moving back to Brighton last year but there are so many variations and I’m still finding new variations all the time.

This simple walk provides some beautiful vistas and a bit of everything - open space, gorse, a smooth golf course and fresh, sea air.

Sheepcote Valley sits behind the racecourse which is at the top of Elm Grove. It’s also accessible from Brighton Marina/Kemptown via East Brighton Park. I’m not going to talk about specific direction in this post like usual as I think you can just follow your nose. There are some variations though!

You can access the racecourse by walking up Elm Grove (you can always stop at Flour Pot to pick up a few treats en route too) or through Hanover/Queen’s Park and up Pankhurst Avenue. Whichever way you’ve come head past the garden either on the road or the other side above Whitehawk. There is a tunnel just past the garden centre on the right and you can head under it if you’re on the road side. Take a left at the end and follow the path towards the main road that goes down to the Marina.

Cross the main road past the lay-by full of camper vans through a gate and you’ll find yourself at the top corner of a big slopey field.


From here you have two options:

The Sheepcote loop

Head on down into the gorsey bowl (you might have to pass through a few gates to get in and out the other side) or straight ahead to the car park at the top of Woodingdean but stay in this field (ie don’t go through any gates) - there should a seat in the far distance if you look to the 2o’clock diagonal where you entered the field. This is where you’re heading! The skylarks that are nesting in the grass are super active at the moment and it’s beautiful to see them ducking in and out of the grass. Once at the seat there are some beautiful views and I personally love this spot for a using my Calm app in the mornings.

You can either loop back or carry on towards the sea - the path will bring you out just near the marina where you can either pick up the seafront or head back through Kemptown.


The golf course perimeter

If you head straight on towards the car park at the top of Woodingdean and once there find you way to the other side of the car park and hop over a low barrier - there is a bridleway that veers right right along the side of the golf course. Follow the bridleway down as if you’re headed towards the sea and when the path starts to veer left at the end of the golf course pick up the footpath that goes right. You’ll climb a moderate hill until you get to a sign that you’re about to cross the golf course. Do just that and take in the beautiful views from here and head straight over towards a gate. Take a left from the gate to head towards the marina or a right to loop back on yourself. It’s all pretty self explanatory because you’re up high all the time so can see whee you are!

Let me know if you try this walk by tagging #retreatwalks - I love seeing you trying out these routes ❤️


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