The Peak District: Curbar Edge

Take a winding road up from a small village, park your car, amble a short distance and stand looking out to the world feeling alive and clear with the air in your lungs and the landscape of the Peak District sprawling out infront of you. This is Curbar Edge.

After a day at Monsal Dale exploring and tapping on the laptop at the head I was running into early evening and thought I’d just pop in on Curbar Edge and see what it was all about. When I got there I had a feeling of being in exactly the right place at the right time and I seen some time taking photographs and breathing in the air. Cows graze around you while you amble back to the car and as I scrambled back down the rocks (why not eh?!) some climbers and lots of people were arriving and I wondered if I’d missed the memo.

As I made myself some dinner in the van and caught up with a friend on the phone the light started to change and I couldn't stop taking photos of the road. It soon dawned on me that it was the golden hour that was attracting the people I saw and I was going to have to go back up there - sure I got some nice photos early but this light was going to bring some MAGIC.

Monty didn't look overly impressed about being hauled off the bed and back up on the peak - but it was so worth it. The sun slowly descended while climbers were concentrating and cyclists and walkers took in the views from various viewpoints across the top. The lower light lit up the trees below that I hadn't noticed earlier and I descended satisfied that I’d made the most of the day.

Curbar Edge, Peak District, in golden hour light. TIDE - mid paced adventures for modern, conscious souls.

Curbar Edge is accessible by parking at the National Trust car park and heading through the gate - views and standpoints await you just 10 minutes of so over the path.


Port Hotel and Eastbourne.


Dunwich Forest and Lost Village, Suffolk.