Stiffkey Marshes, Village and Shop.

There were whispers of a place right next to Wells Next the Sea that homed a wonderful shop and cafe. A place that also homes expanses of marshes and a haven for a diverse range of wildlife. Muddy creeks that long beaked sea birds forage in and salt marshes that are left exposed as the tide goes in and out each day. 

Parking in the car park at Greenway (NR23 1QF) I headed into the marshes to the bridge where I observed some quiet peace for a while and then walked back towards the car park where I meandered east for ten minutes or so before a sign directed me into Stiffkey to check out the Stores and village. 

Here you cover some agricultural land and as you wander what it must be like to live here a fantastical wall starts to show itself to the right. Constructed with many old bottles it was such fun to photograph and look at. 

Stiffkey Marshes is a rich bird and wildlife habitat. Take a walk from the car park towards the village where you’ll find the wonderful Stiffkey Stores. TIDE - mid paced adventures for modern souls.

Soon you come out onto the road that leads through Stiffkey Village and taking a left you’re at Stiffkey Stores. This place is a dream - carefully selected products, books and gifts that anyone would be happy to receive. As Monty sat in the sunshine and sunned himself I slowly moved around the stores allowed my eyes to feast on the textures and colours and wandering what I could treat myself to. 

Stiffkey Marshes is a rich bird and wildlife habitat. Take a walk from the car park towards the village where you’ll find the wonderful Stiffkey Stores. TIDE - mid paced adventures for modern souls.

Emerging with a coffee, a blondie and a brown paper bag holding some waffle towels and a magazine or two we headed back through the village along the stream and across to the track leading to the car park.

A beautiful way to spend a few hours. 


Clothing Made to Last : Nola


A walk from Wells Next the Sea to Holkham