Seeing the Seals at Horsey Gap

I remember seeing seals as a kid but couldn’t recall seeing any through adult eyes. When I was exploring places to see on the Norfolk Coast seeing the seals at Blakeney Point came up a lot but I was 4 days out of the window for dogs allowed on the point. 

Never one to be defeated I discovered that there was a place further down the coast called Horsey Gap where you can see the seals all year round. 

I’d planned on spending some time in Cromer on this icy cold April day and I did make it but after the space and emptiness of the Norfolk Coast and with all the shops shut I just wasn't feeling it - no offence Cromer. Monty and I took a walk through but the seals were calling so after a cuppa in the van I started snaking the van through the varied and interesting drive to Horsey. 

See the seals at Horsey Gap, Norfolk. TIDE - mid paced adventures for conscious souls.
See the seals at Horsey Gap, Norfolk. TIDE - mid paced adventures for conscious souls.

As with much of my trip, an artist called Poemme filled the van as I quietly and steadily took in the villages and hamlets that we passed en route and blink and you miss it when you get to Horsey Gap. I initially thought it was closed because of the police cones but I backed the van up and made my way up the bumpy road to the car park. After paying on the machine (it takes cards), I slid open the side door where Monty jumped out, sniffed the air and immediately put up his heckles. He could obviously smell the seals here as he started acting very scared, sniffing the air and backing up. On a short lead, he carefully followed me through the dunes where a beautiful landscape opened up. It wasn’t more than 10 minutes when the seals started to come into view and it was a sight to remember - thousands of seals hanging out along the beach playing, rolling in the sand, resting, dipping in and out of the sea, darting across the sand. 

See the seals at Horsey Gap, Norfolk. TIDE - mid paced adventures for conscious souls.
See the seals at Horsey Gap, Norfolk. TIDE - mid paced adventures for conscious souls.
See the seals at Horsey Gap, Norfolk. TIDE - mid paced adventures for conscious souls.
See the seals at Horsey Gap, Norfolk. TIDE - mid paced adventures for conscious souls.

I could have sat there at the top of the dunes for hours watching them, they are beautiful and wild creatures and to see them in their natural habitat like this is an honour. 

The walk back to the car park is beautiful, stopping off at the pill box and looking over the wispy landscape.

It goes without saying that seals are wild mammals and as such need to respected. Keep tour distance, never approach a seal and coming between a seal and a pup may force the mother to abandon her young. The seals are in pupping season from November to the end of January but you can usually view the seals at Horsey Gap all year round. 


Van Life: Lessons from my First Road Trip.


Clothing Made to Last : Nola