Recipe - Wheat Free Power Muesli

It's really difficult to find an exciting muesli. Either they're super expensive or don't seem to have the right balance of flakes to nuts, seeds and fruit. And most of them contain wheat flakes and as much as I try and ignore it, it does definitely make a difference to my daily digestion if I avoid it. Browsing the ingredients of muesli bases in a health food shop it occurred to me it was probably pretty easy to make my own muesli from scratch. There are elements of muesli that people love or don't love - some people dislike sultanas, other people can't abide coconut. Then some people wish there were more brazils. The joy of making your own is you can include what you want in the amount you like - no more having to guiltily pick more nuts out the packet, knowing you're only stitching yourself up for less nuts in the next bowl.


Nuts and seeds are a great protein to start your day with, packed with brain power and hormone helpers. Goji berries are an antioxidant and chunks of dates are a great fibre to keep your digestive system happy and you regular! Chia seeds are a power house packing in fibre, antioxidants and protein. Then there are blood sugar regulating oat, rye and quinoa flakes which are all high in the right fibre to help to promote balanced cholesterol.

So make yourself up a batch of this super, power muesli at the weekend and you'll be starting your day congratulating yourself of how brilliant you are all week. Use whatever you want in it - you can use hazelnuts or walnuts too if you wish. I make my own almond milk and serve with that for a super clean, delicious brekky.


Prep time: 5 mins

Serves: 12


  • 100g mixed seeds

  • 20g chia seeds

  • 150g good quality pitted dates

  • 30g coconut flakes (or dessicated)

  • 50g sunflower seeds

  • 100g almonds

  • 75g brazil nuts

  • 50g sultanas

  • 150g jumbo oat flakes

  • 75g spelt flakes

  • 75g rye flakes

  • 75g quinoa flakes


  1. Put your mixed seeds, chia seeds, dates and coconut flakes in your blender and blitz on the highest power for a minute or two. Now add your sunflower seeds, almonds and brazils and pulse for just a few seconds (you want to keep some chunks to your nuts).

  2. Throw this mix into a large mixing bowl and add all your flakes and sultanas. Mix around well with your hands and then transfer into a large flip top jar or air tight container.


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