Crab, Apple & Brussels salad

I spotted a variation of this recipe by Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall while reading Waitrose Kitchen in the bath and nearly dropped my loofah. Raw sprouts? NAH. But I kept thinking about it, and thinking about it some more so on impulse whilst rooting around for something else I pulled a sprout out the fridge, lopped off the end and popped it in my gob. And it was.... nice. But add some crab and some crisp apple and you have a total winner. Not only does it taste incredibly fresh and amazing, it's super low in calories and saturated fat plus it's a total immune booster. For those of you that are interested in the basic science - crab and almonds are really high in zinc, which is essential for a good immune system, as well as the main mineral for a healthy reproductive system, including good mood inducing hormones. So you could say this is a salad perfect for getting in the mood. So to speak.

Sold? I thought so. Let's get to it.

p.s. I adapted the original recipe as I can't fathom avocado and while Hugh used hazelnuts, I didn't have any in so I used flaked almonds. But if you want to include those instead, knock yourself out. Always do what works for you - I don't have your tastebuds.


Prep time: 10 mins

Total time: 10 mins

Serves: 1


  • 1 medium apple (I used Braeburn but any will do, just not cooking apples)

  • A handful of Brussels (I used about 7)

  • 100-150g fresh crab meat

  • 40g flaked almonds, lightly toasted

  • For the dressing:

  • 1 tbsp cold pressed rapeseed oil or extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tbsp juice from a lemon

  • 1 tsp local honey

  • Half a mild chilli, sliced thinly (or use a pinch of chilli flakes)


  1. Combine your dressing ingredients in a ramekin (or jar if taking for a packed lunch) and set aside.

  2. Slice your apple, you can peel and core first if you wish. I just sliced sections off from around the core and then sliced those thinly then halved.

  3. Trim the bottoms of your sprouts and remove any outer leaves, now slice thinly and add to your apple on a plate or salad bowl. Now add the crab meat and toss gently.

  4. Dress with the dressing and add a little salt and pepper, toss again and then top with your toasted flaked almonds.

  5. AH YEAH.


Lemon & Earl Grey Shortbread


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