Spotlight - Betty Lewis-Griffiths for the Lockdown Interviews

Today we have Emma Betty Lewis-Griffiths (known as Betty) on the series. Betty runs The Social Club - a communications collective providing digital marketing and online PR support to many big brands and smaller start ups and local companies in the food, lifestyle, wellbeing and charity sectors.  

I first worked with Betty on the launch of The Community Kitchen and since then have seen her business grow beautifully and on a personal level she took a trip to Bali and has since been holding lunar events and women’s circles. Super!


Hey Betty, thanks for being part of the Lockdown Interviews! You are a multitalented woman - can you tell us about your business and your side projects? 

I like to mix it up a bit to keep things interesting, which I realised was possible when I went freelance four years ago, almost to the day. My ‘day’ job is providing comms support to brands with a heart. I work a lot with the hospitality sector so it’s been quite heart-breaking to see so many of my friends and clients shut their doors. I work with a real range of clients, from smaller businesses with smaller budgets to bigger brands that don’t want to work with an agency. I’m an extension of my clients’ teams and that’s how they like it. I’m working with Samaritans at the moment supporting their press team, which I love.

I have lots of other side projects too… I set up Lunarhood in January as I wanted to create a welcoming women’s circle for people to gather under the moon, rather than over a pint. Now the pubs are closed and we’re staying put, I’ve brought these online and they’ve been beautiful. I am also co-editor of Brighton on the Inside, a lifestyle website that helps people discover the best of the city. And I’m one half of Kind in the new Cool, teaming up with Toni to bring workshops to people that need to take some times out and learn some useful tools to be kinder to themselves.

What has the business impact of Coronavirus been for you? 

I lost all my work the week before lockdown, due to clients either closing their premises or postponing campaigns. I think I was in a bit of shock at the time as I took it pretty well. Luckily I only had two weeks without work and I was using the time quite productively to plan some new offerings for Lunarhood, when I had the opportunity to work with Samaritans again. There’s been a lot of change but it’s encouraged me to adapt and make some changes I knew I wanted to make anyway. So I’m seeing it as a positive, but I also realise how lucky I am to still have some work.

The tone of what people want to consume on social media has changed - what do you think the general mood is and what do people want to see at the moment?

What a time to be (a)live on Instagram. I feel like every time I log on I am overwhelmed with a new kind of FOMO I didn’t know existed in the form of Instagram Live videos ha. I’ve had to set new boundaries with my phone and social media or I would be on there all day watching videos. Right now you’ve really got to be doing something different or bringing added value to get cut through at the moment as a brand. It’s difficult because a lot of people are offering services for free, which may seem impossible to a brand that needs to keep afloat, but by offering free content and building a community that way, they will then be more likely to buy into your brand and product/ service once you have adapted it and put it out there.

Fitness brands are the winners, as that’s my form of escapism and joy at the moment, probably the same for many. I don’t think I’ve ever done as much exercise as I have over the past month. Social media is probably a form of escapism for many. Funny memes, hopeful quotes, useful videos, people being kind and helping the community. That’s what we want to see.

What tips do have around communications and social media at the moment? 

Everyone is on social media now and it’s the people behind the brands that consumers build a relationship with. Think about what your story is and how you can reflect that in your brand comms. Don’t rush to adapt your product just to be able to do an Instagram live like everyone else. If you’ve got valuable content, stories, advice and services then share it. The right people will find you when you’re sharing content that resonates with them. Collaborations are good right now, so think about who else in your industry or community you could team up with.

Have you found yourself adapting in certain ways, personally or in business? 

Massively. Slowing down has been the main change for me. Having time to feel how you feel, think about what you want to think about, do what you want to do. I have had some serious wake up calls about how ‘busy’ I was. I think I used to rush around with my eyes closed half the time. Now I’m grateful every single day for the simple things – I would recommend keeping a gratitude journal each day as it really does makes you think. Especially right now. It’s difficult when you see the news or speak to people that are struggling, you can feel quite guilty if you’re having a good day, but I have a daily practice of meditation, a card reading and breathwork that sets me up for the day. In terms of adapting with work, I’ve been taking some time to develop an online offering for Lunarhood, which is something I wanted to do anyway. I’ve just been given a little shove to start the circles online now too. Luckily my comms work can generally be done from anywhere and working from home is going well. Me and the fridge are very close!

You recently went to Bali and came back seeming like a new person - has what you learned about yourself there affected how lockdown has played out for you? 

Like you wouldn’t believe. I live alone and never thought I would love solitude, but I’m very privileged to have a lovely home and a garden. If this was a year ago I don’t think I would be having such an OK time. I did a lot of deep work and rebuilt the relationship I have with myself, so now I love my own company… which is pretty lucky considering the situation I’m in now! I feel so grateful to have had that experience to get me to where I am for this lockdown life. I was already slowing down and being gentler with myself and making changes in my work and home life to reflect that, but having this time to just sit with feelings and reflect on things has been magic really. It’s not always pretty but it’s needed. I’ve learnt a lot more about myself in just a few weeks of lock down. Weird but interesting times.


Have you had any clarity moments about your business or life through lockdown and what have these been? 

A lot actually. How much we take things for granted, including people and hugs. I’ve had some ‘wow’ moments where I’ve just felt so grateful for the little things and realised what is actually important. My work life has simplified due to the situation, but I’m actually so glad it has as It’s made me think that this works for me. I’ve got more of a balance. Having up to five clients at one time can be quite difficult to manage when there is only one of you. I think for me it will be about working on slightly bigger projects that I can really get my teeth into and in turn have less client management time and more time for myself. It’s so important. I’ve found so much joy in my Lunarhood circles that I’ve taken online, so I know this is something I really want to build on going forward. I feel like that is my calling.

Have you survival tactics been different to what you imagined and what is getting you though right now? 

Lowering my expectations and taking each day as it comes. It’s up and down no matter your situation. We’re all going through a very unique experience. When lockdown first happened I did that thing of writing a list of all the things I haven’t done for the last five or so years that I never have time for… the most boring of those things included clearing out cupboards and going through my wardrobe. Both of which I still haven’t done. I soon realised that setting myself up for failure during lockdown with a huge list of expectations wasn’t the way to go. On my days off now, if I’m not shopping for anyone that can’t get out then I just ask myself what I want to do and do it. I’m very lucky to have that freedom right now. If that’s sitting and reading a book for 5 hours then I do it and I’m learning to not feel guilty for it. Also… falling in love with cooking again! Working with food and drink brands I ate out A LOT. I didn’t realise how much. Going back to making myself every meal has been really romantic. I get cookery books out, look up recipes and plan what I’m going to cook. And it’s not rushed now as I’ve got the time. I’m actually getting good at cooking ha ha. I also love getting veg boxes because you never know what you’re going to get and that’s part of the fun.

If one societal change could come from lockdown what would you personally like to see? 

The kindness. It’s everywhere. It’s so beautiful and is what we all need. Being kind to ourselves and every single person we come into contact with. The love and appreciation I’ve seen for the NHS and vulnerable people in the community is just incredible. I think we need to keep the Thursday clap forever. For the NHS, for shopworkers, for everyone in our community, for each other. It’s very moving. Imagine in the summer when we’re on the beach and every just starts clapping at 8pm as the sun goes down? I really hope we all slow down and stay at that speed.

I’d like to think that we’re going back to a very different kind of normal where we consume less and we love more. Seeing how the Brighton community has come together to support the Brighton & Hove NHS Foodbank is incredible. They’ve donated £10k worth of prizes for an auction that kicks off tomorrow night to keep feeding the frontline. It’s great because it means local food businesses can keep going by providing the meals at cost through fundraising. There have been so many great things to come out of such a horrendous situation.

Tell us about your amazing moon parties and can we take part online at the moment?

My next women’s circle is next Tuesday (that’s today folks!) for the New Moon in Taurus. I absolutely LOVE them. They are based on either a new or full moon and I take the group through a guided visualisation or meditation, share some journal prompts and ideas for a ritual to help the amazing women in my circles let go of things and set intentions to help them with the month ahead. It’s very gentle but also incredibly powerful. Come and join us!

Connect with Betty on Instagram here, find out more about The Social Club here and join a lunar event here.


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