Avocado & honey face mask

I'm sorry avocado. I dismissed you as something I could never get along with. It's not you, it's me. I just can't handle your texture. Not even when you come as guacamole. But then you came in my veg box and while initially I tried to palm you off to my sister, I realised there might be other uses for you I might have overlooked. And there were. So, dear avocado, it turns out you really are for me and will you forgive me and be my valentine? This face mask is uh-mazing! I totally recommend it before any date to bring the zing. I could really feel it working and sinking into the skin and it's so easy to make. And you have the bonus of knowing it's completely natural and free from chemicals (if you use organic avocados of course).


The avocado is packed with vitamin E, antooxidants and healthy fats. The honey has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties (especially if you use the most local honey you can find) and the oats calm and destress, as well as having a gentle exfoliating effect.


You may look like a extra on a zombie film while you have it on but my skin was super soft and clear after, redness has gone down and I felt gorgeous.


Prep time: 5 mins

Total time: 5 mins


  • 1/2 ripe avocado

  • 2 teaspoons of god quality, local honey

  • 1 tbsp oats (the smaller the better)


  1. Scoop the flesh out from your avocado into a small bowl and mash with a fork.

  2. Now add the honey - it might seem like a lot of honey but you'll need it for the mask to stay on your face. It is doing your skin good at the same time.

  3. Sprinkle in your oats and mix together.

  4. Now slather on to your face - you might want to make sure you're on your own as to not scare anyone!

  5. Leave for 15-20 mins and then add a little warm water and massage into face a little to let the oats exfoliate.

  6. Now dab mixture off with a soft flannel.

  7. Be fabulous!


The Rok Espresso Maker