Fluffy pancakes with Baked Rhubarb


I've been on the hunt for a semi-healthy American Pancake recipe for ages and then I stumbled across this one by Jamie Oliver. I've been eating most weekends since but having spied some beautiful rhubarb at my local farm shop I wanted to shake it up a bit for this weekend! The pancakes are simple in ingredients, just flour, eggs, baking powder and milk but it's separating the whites from the yolks and whisking until stiff that creates the fluffiness of the pancakes, avoiding using creams or buttermilks. I don't like things too sweet, especially in the mornings so I really appreciate the absence of sugar.

Baking the rhubarb in orange juice and sugar softens it and removes overwhelming tartness and you're left with beautiful morsels of hot rhubarb love topping fluffy, light as a feather pancakes. Topped with creme fraiche and honey, this is heaven on a plate.


Prep time: 10 mins

Cook time: 30 mins

Total time: 40 mins

Serves: 2


  • For the rhubarb:

  • 300g rhubarb (around 2 stalks), cut into 4cm pieces

  • Juice and zest of one large orange

  • 1-2 heaped tbsp coconut sugar or honey (depending on how sweet you like)

  • For the pancakes:

  • 3 free range eggs

  • 140g plain flour

  • 1 heaped tsp baking poder

  • 140ml nut milk

  • Pinch salt

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 knob butter

  • To serve:

  • Creme fraiche or double cream

  • 2 tsp local runny honey


  1. Preheat oven to 200°c.

  2. Arrange rhubarb on a baking dish and place in all the other rhubarb ingredients, giving it a good mix round - either with your hands or wooden spoon and pop in the oven for around 30-35 mins or until the rhubarb has softened.

  3. In the meantime, separate the whites and yolks into two mixing bowls and set aside the whites. Add the milk, flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon to the yolks and give a good whisk with a fork until smooth.

  4. Now, with an electric whisk, whisk the whites until they become stiff. Now fold the whites into the batter (the yolks and flour etc) until all mixed in and you have a fairly stiff batter.

  5. Heat your butter in a large frying pan and when melted spoon in 2 dollops of the batter on each side of the pan. Make whatever size you like. They'll soon spread and rise into pancakes and when brown on one side, flip to cook the other.

  6. Repeat this until you've run out of batter and made a scrumptious pile of pancakes.

  7. Separate onto two plates and top with your baked rhubarb, creme fraiche/cream and drizzle with honey. MMMMMMMMMMM.


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