Recipe - Chorizo & Butterbean Stew

The thing about shopping from local, independent businesses is that they're invested in what they're selling, so with that comes a passion. I can spend hours chatting to people behind counters about the produce I'm buying. I used to live in Fiveways and you may know that the amazing Barfield Butchers can be found there. Though all the staff there are wondrous, one was a dream to buy meat from - really passionate about the food he sold and always had an idea on how to cook it to hand. This recipe was inspired by him and I'm so thankful as I've cooked it so many times since. It's ultimate comfort food, perfect for a rainy Monday, and really quick to make. Just let the flavours develop on a low heat for at least half an hour (longer if you have the time) before serving as the tasty chorizo juices will seep into the stew. Delicious! Mopping up the juices with a hunk of good quality bread is a must.

Double up for more than two people or for one this will keep until the next day well so put some aside and just eat it straight from the pan! Saves on washing up.

A warming autumnal chorizo and butterbean stew on Tide Blog
A warming autumnal chorizo and butterbean stew on Tide Blog

Just a note on where to buy good quality cooking chorizo - Barfields still sell it, I get mine from Holmansbridge Farm these days as it's a nearer to me now. Brighton Sausage Co sell it also. Please let me know via the comments if you know of somewhere in Sussex to get it from and I'll add to this post.

Prep time: 15 mins | Cook time: 30 mins | Total time: 45 mins | Serves: 2


  • 1 good quality cooking chorizo

  • 1 small white onion, chopped

  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped (though I hate chopping garlic so I grate it straight into the pan)

  • 2 tsp paprika

  • 1 small bunch flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped or torn

  • 3-4 on the vine tomatoes, chopped (you can used canned tomatoes but the taste will be compromised)

  • 1 can butterbeans, rinsed and drained

  • 1 tbsp cold pressed rapeseed oil

  • salt and pepper


  1. Heat your rapeseed oil in a medium sized pan and begin to brown your chopped onion. After a little while (a minute or so) add the garlic.

  2. As they cook together, remove the paper from the chorizo by slicing once all the way down the length and then peeling off gently. Tear chunks of the chorizo into the pan, adding to the softened onions.

  3. Give it a good stir around and cook, stirring occasionally, until the chorizo starts to brown - around 2-3 mins.

  4. Add the tomatoes (perhaps a chef would soften and remove the skins but I never have time for that!), the paprika and half the parsley, season and reduce the heat to medium and cook for 5-10 mins with the lid on. After the time you'll notice there is a lot of liquid so now remove the lid and cook on full pelt, stirring constantly for about 5 mins.

  5. Once the tomatoes start to reduce add the butterbeans, cover and allow the flavours to develop for at least half an hour. I like to leave it on a very low heat for around an hour.

  6. Finally stir in the rest of your parsley just before serving.

  7. Serve with torn sourdough or crusty bread. You can even just eat it straight out of the pan.

A warming autumnal chorizo and butterbean stew on Tide Blog

Spotlight - the annual Breaky Bottom wine harvest.


Travel - camping in Rye