The Peak District: Bamford Edge.

dog friendly (some cattle) | parking

One of the biggest joys of owning a van is the feeling of ā€˜whatā€™s round this cornerā€™ or looking at the Maps app and taking a punt on some landmarks. This is what had happened for Bamford Edge, it had been a wholly grey day but the sky brightened and en route to the campsite I was staying at that night, I was cruising along, arm tapping out a beat and I suddenly got a sense of wanting to somewhere high.

Luckily, the Peak District has plenty of places that with little effort you can find yourself on a vista looking out and feeling humbled. I took my punt, driving the van up the narrow lane and parking on the side of the road behind a few other vans.

A knackered Monty eyed me from the back, a look of ā€˜oh, god, where are we going now?ā€™ yet begrudgingly hopping out of the van when I opened the door to plod loyally alongside me while I decisively marched up the hill. It was in this moment Glor, my aunt, came to mind and I laughed to myself at how similar we would be if she was still here - Monty rolling his eyes at all the same things I used to when I was a kid.

At Bamford Edge I found many people with cameras, some teetering on the edge to get the perfect selfie, taking it in turns to walk onto the overhangs to pose and create shapes with their bodies. I picked about for a bit, waiting my turn and finally took the steps forward where I closed my eyes and breathed in the air before plonking myself down a little further on to watch the hustle and bustle and enjoy the view over Hype Valley before dropping back down the grassy slope towards the van where Monty could gratefully snooze until morning and I could navigate to the campsite where I could grab a much needed shower.

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Van Life: (eco friendly) Cleaning on the Road.


Van Life: What You Need for an Efficient Plant Based Pantry.